Jun 18, 2020
Today I’m breaking down the pros and cons of a few digital platforms including Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and email marketing. I’ll even give you my thoughts on the world of podcasting. As a freelancer you don’t necessarily need to be on every platform at once, so here’s an overview to help you choose the best one for you.
Out of Office is available on eBook NOW and in print October 1st.
Linkedin for freelancers https://thefreelancehustle.com/must-haves-linkedin-profile-freelancers/
My book https://amzn.to/3aefjNR
Check out my sponsor www.getdinghy.com
My website www.fionalikestoblog.com
Follow me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/fionalikestoblog/
Music by https://danosongs.com/